Hens teeth x Annie Atkins Shopfront

Hens Teeth Annie Atkins

Traditional Signwriting on Fade Street.

I’m thrilled to share the story of my collaboration with the talented team at Hen’s Teeth & designer Annie Atkins on a stunning shopfront makeover in Dublin’s vibrant Fade Street. It was an absolute pleasure to work alongside such a creative and driven crew, bringing our combined expertise to the table to transform this iconic storefront into an old style traders and dentist surgery.


Hens Teeth Annie Atkins

Hens Teeth Trading Merchants

Located on Fade st. at the iconic George’s street arcade, the premises was ideally suited to the concept of an old style “Trading merchant” & “Dentists Surgery”.

Annie Atkins designed the shopfront and signage, referencing original historic signage to great effect. Also we used advertising signage across all of the first floor windows.

Once we had the entire shopfront repainted, I applied the teal colour onto the main fascia to frame the lettering. This really highlighted the signwriting & gold leaf gilding.

I then hand painted the lettering & applied genuine gold leaf to the sign. This gave the lettering a great eye catching effect, glistening as it reflected the light.

Hens Teeth Annie Atkins

The Painless Tooth

Lastly, we installed the “Painless Tooth” dentist sign to the exterior of the shopfront.
I had previously handpainted this colourful projecting sign in my home studio.

The traditional sign layout featured some nice typographic decoration & a brilliant colourful hen illustration as the centre-piece.

Hens Teeth Annie Atkins
Hens Teeth Annie Atkins

Take a look at my Signwriting page for more hand painted shopfront signs
& Get in touch to discuss a custom shopfront sign for your business.

You can find out more about Hens Teeth Annie Atkins here:
Hens Teeth Store

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